mardi 14 octobre 2014

Tom Sora - Glassplitter


 Tom Sora

© Photo by Manfred Goelz, 2005

The composer and musicologist Tom Sora (born 1956 in Bucarest) studied music theory, organ and piano at the academies of music in Stuttgart, München, Bucarest.

He graduated 2004 at the University Paris1 / Sorbonne in aesthetics.

After his doctorate he continued his research. His main areas were: theory of (new) music, political philosophy, (utopia and the social contract theory) ans aesthetics (theorie of avant-garde).

Sora is composing since 1993.

Between 1990 and 2002 he also worked as an artist (painting, objects, concepts).

NOTICE: If you would like to know more details about the biography of Tom Sora, look please at his website:


(by the composer himself)

Glassplitter (glass fragments) is a short composition for piano.
 I wrote it for Nicolas Horvath.
 I‘ll develop it later and I‘ll make out of it a long composition.

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